Senior Minister: Dennis Vandevender
The focus of Dennis Vans… ministry of the gospel of the Glorified Christ Jesus is: Preaching and Imparting The Unsearchable Riches of the Glorified Christ Jesus abundant grace and peace gifting being offered to meet the needs of every person! The foremost of these gifts begins with the seeking person receiving The New Birth which is available to all people desiring to become New Creatures within The Glorified Christ Jesus. After receiving the New Birth Experience vital believers in the Living Word of Christ continue to learn and participate together with Him NOW in the abundant riches of eternal life they have received as a result of making Christ Jesus their Lord! Come fellowship with us at 9:30am on the first and third Sunday of each month in the glorious gospel of Christ’s Grace and Peace.
More seasoned vital believers in the Gospel of the Glorified Christ Jesus should be seeking His Higher Wisdom (light) and greater Power (resurrection) to establish themselves in specific grace through faith gifts beyond beginning Christian experiences i.e., New Birth and the Holy Spirit of Promise – – II Co. 5:17; Ep. 1: 13&14. The ministry of these specific grace through faith gifts and the faith emanating from them provide a foundation within His salvation for establishing vital believers: in Christ-Spirit Dominion in vital areas of their Christ Spirit Being and Christ Spirit Life in Christ Jesus. These gifts place vital believers in the gospel of the Glorified Christ on a path toward attaining greater growth and development into His full stature standing at the right hand of the Father God (Ep. 4:13). These faith actions validate the reality of the hope of His gospel: “Christ in you the hope of Glory (Co. 1:27)” This ministry of the Living vitally spoken Word of Christ is interspersed into the regular schedule of services on second, fourth and fifth, Sunday services at 9:30am. Come fellowship with us in these dynamic services.
Statement of Faith:
The programs and activities of Trinity Christian Fellowship Center shall be based upon and consistent with the following beliefs:
* There is one God manifested in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
* The Bible is a record of the Wisdom of God and Christ: inspired by the Holy Spirit and is to be recognized as the only infallible and authoritative Word of God.
* The reality of Satan and his present control over unregenerate man does exist and reveals:
The fall of man and his lost estate, which makes necessary a vital Divine rebirth of the human spirit, can be achieved by mankind after hearing the Living Word of Christ’s Gospel and making confession of Faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord (Ro. 10:9-10).
* The reconciliation of man to God is only made possible by the substitionary sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, his burial and resurrection from the dead (Ep. 2:8).
* Believers join themselves together with Christ now in His resurrection Glory sharing His Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification, Redemption and Everlasting Life. Unbelievers of Christ’s substitionary sacrifice on the cross for the remission of mankind’s sins: face an everlasting punishment in the torments of Hell.
* Vital Believers of the Gospel of the Glorified Christ Jesus acknowledge The Holy Spirit of Promise as being an essential part of their necessary gifting in Christ enabling them: to give witness of Him in His resurrection power and glory while promulgating the Gospel of Christ to the unreconciled.
* The tenets of faith in the Gospel of Christ reflect: repentance from dead works and faith towards God, the doctrine of baptisms and laying on of hands, resurrection of the dead and eternal judgement (He. 6:1-2).
* The Divine Love of Christ for all humanity is the most profound reality of the Christian experience and life of Christ available to all humanity today, the day of his “so great salvation.”
* The regular exercise of faith by vital believers in the Gospel of the Glorified Christ, who are receiving the Living Word of Christ in public assembly, demonstrate their faith by their giving of finances to the ministry providing service in the Gospel of Christ
I Co. 9:7-12; II Co. 9:6-15